
Calvin and Hobbes!!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Well, I think everyone is fed up of reading my posts related to anywhere abroad. So, I thought I'd return to familiar territory. OK, the subject of this post (more of a discussion actually) is attitude and the many forms that it comes in.
Let me first define what I mean by attitude: A person's way of interacting with others. For example, is someone diplomatic or blunt? That sort of thing. If you prefer some other more appropriate term, go ahead and use it.
The question I wished to ask was this: Is a straightforward (blunt, in-your-face, says things as he/she sees them) person better off than a diplomatic person? When I say better off, I mean in a personal way. Who would you prefer to talk to and why? Personally, I'd like to talk to someone who is blunt. At least I know that he/she isn't just saying things to please me. With a diplomatic person, I'm not so sure. Nothing is more frustrating than getting a diplomatic person to take a stand. Just ask Poi and me. We had probably the most diplomatic person as our room-mate. It was impossible to get his opinion on anything without a maybe/if/but.
I'm on the other hand, quite blunt. At least I was until it really hurt me. I got sidelined when I arguably deserved better. (I think everyone knows what I'm talking about) Ever since then, I've made a conscious effort to be a little bit more guarded in my speech, a.k.a. Diplomatic. But is this what people want? To have everyone talking in words that leave everything ambiguous? I guess so. Sad.
I'd have thought we require more clarity, rather than more ambiguity. What do you think? Are we better off with diplomatic or blunt fellows around us? Do tell me, I'm all ears. (Just look at my pic carefully, will you? :D)


Sudhir said...

ah gulu...

i suppose i have seen both the extremes of attitude that u are talking 'bout here...

considerin the experience, all i can say is if u can put things in a subtle manner, wrap the same old thing in the way rushil does everything, then i suppose we would have an ideal combination.

think about it...

Half-Light said...

Yup striking the balance is the best way to go about it. I can safely say I have progressed a long way in doing so

Bhargav said...

Depends on who you're talking to, and what the outcome might be. It's desriable to obtain a favourable outcome at the end of the day, and the level of diplomacy must be varied accordingly.
Favourable again is relative, depends on what kind of person you are... it could mean favourable to your ends, or favourable to the greater good.

Vikram said...

OK I get your points. I'll definitely need to work on improving my manner of speaking to others. Right now, anything I think, I say. I suppose I'll have to learn how to sugar-coat my words.

Chirag said...

Yea u gotta consider whom you're talking to and what the discussion requires . Striking a balance is easier said than done .... I guess finding out what is required of you in a situation comes only with experience ...

Chirag said...
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Chirag said...

and i'd like to add this really famous saying... which is probably more relevant for you gullu .... :)


Rushil Anirudh said...

So the diplomatic roommate speaks!:
my friend, it's all about who you are speaking to, the time and circumstances should define your behavior, Now tomorrow when your babe asks you 'if she's fat', it'll really hurt if you say yes,even if its the truth! :D
Jokes apart, see I'm a little too over diplomatic and I've changed and trying to change further. The best is to adapt to the situation.

Vikram said...

Thanks guys for the advice. I totally agree with Heda. Nice quote.

Unknown said...

chliched quote warning!!! :P Just kidding... No offence.

Be blunt with ppl you love-friends and family.

Be diplomatic with people you want to love, become friends with and your bosses.

bala said...
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bala said...

i like blunt guys. not in a gay way :P
seriously speaking,i like people being straight forward rather than beating around the bush with um's and ah's. when you tell people what they want to hear you are doing one of the following things
1. flattery
2. you're not bold enough to speak you mind
3. you're afraid to hurt the persons feelings
all of which are negative traits. leave diplomacy to diplomats and speak your mind. you'll probably avoid some arguments by being diplomatic but it'll come back to bit your ass later.