
Calvin and Hobbes!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

It's Time For Change!

Well, if anyone still visits this blog (apart from me once every fortnight, surreptitiously checking if there's been any sort of activity) they'd have notice the change in the name. The obvious question that follows is "Why?". Well, to put it very simply, things have changed. My physical appearance has changed, if only by a bit. My world and the experiences in it have changed. My friends have changed. (at least some of them :P) But most importantly, I've changed. The way I look at things, the way I see people has definitely been altered. I've gone from contentment, to mini-desperation, and finally back to contentment again. In some things I've tried and failed. In others, I've been successful after a fair few attempts. In still others, I've succeeded at the outset itself. My expectations from people have been modified to account for the subtle deception that is invariably part of life. I've learned not to take things at face value, and not to assume anything.

All in all, I've done a reasonable bit of introspection, and realised that ultimately, thus far, the questions I've asked have mattered far more than the answers I've received. Hence the title - Questions, NOT Answers.