
Calvin and Hobbes!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Going Home

The other day I had an interesting conversation with one of my friends. ("Uh, oh - 'interesting' he said" seems to sum up your thoughts, doesn't it? I'll save you the trouble and warn you that this post is a bit serious...)
The friend in question was returning home after a gap of almost 10 months. Her family had moved from Bangalore, her home-town. I asked her if she was happy at the prospect of going home. She said something to the effect that if she was returning to Bangalore, she would be undoubtedly happy. Since she wasn't, she had mixed feelings.
It got me thinking. What would I feel if I had to return to some place alien, even though I lived there? I guess this is a very personal question. Being a boring, lazy, no-frills (a.k.a. socially-impaired) sort of chap, I wouldn't mind. I'd enjoy going back home just as much as I do now. Who cares if I hardly know anyone? I hardly meet anyone when I go back home anyway. I'm too busy eating/reading (novels, not any other kind of book)/sleeping to bother.
I suppose the feeling will be different for different kinds of people. The socially-active, energetic and lively sort (read normal) will probably miss their friends. People who love to travel will relish the fact that they're in a completely new environment. What would you (yes, you - the reader - if you've read till here, that is) feel? Happy/Sad/Mixed? Feel free to answer, comments aren't just to make fun of me :D.


Anonymous said...

Interesting question. But you seem to have provided the answer (at least for the 'normal' people). Personally, I wouldn't mind. I too spend my time eating, sleeping and reading. I'm a 'travel' kind of person so I would explore the new place too. But eating comes first :-)

Ramblings of a rustic mind said...

"comments aren't just to make fun of me" Really? I am not sure you would find many others who share this opinion :P

Vikram said...

@Lord: You said it...
@Ramblings: Har Har

Unknown said...

I'll definitely miss home if we were to shift. This is why we still live where we live, because the prospect of shifting seems to bring us more sorrow from the detachment.

Ridhima said...

Interesting post.. Sadly, I definitely think I can relate to it...It's not that bad for the most part.

I subscribe to a philosophy shared with me by my Aussie friend, "When you are outside getting such an experience, why waste time regretting it and feeling homesick when you should be enjoying it." Makes sense and then again makes absolutely no sense at all.

Bhargav said...

Interesting; I'd definitely miss home if I were to move out.