
Calvin and Hobbes!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What Men Want (Apart from THAT)

The other day, I came across an article in the Bangalore Times. It explained how women say one thing while meaning something entirely different. The author went on to give a handy "look-up" table (don't ask me where he got that expression from) which would guide a man with regards to what women want.
That got me thinking. Do women keep a handy table to help them understand what we want? Does such a table even exist? I've never come across an article/movie with the title "What Men Want". Are we that obvious?
Hardly. I personally think we're pretty easy going and that's why no one has bothered to explain our actions. (or the lack of it) We're prepared to overlook a lot of things when we are with women. I think it has something to do with our pre-disposition to act the preux chevalier.
Have I got it right or am I sitting happily in delusion-land? I know that I'm far from simple. If I can't understand myself (after nineteen years of trying) then how can I be predictable? Maybe my better half (if and when she comes along) might need a book titled "What Gulati wants"...
Anyone willing to write it?


Layfield said...

Why the hell would anyone write any book for you man? write it yourself. I suppose it's a big list of science books :D

Dr. Flycatcher said...

This is why you shouldn't take Bangalore Times (or for that matter, TOI) seriously. What Gulati Wants heh. Just pass on Mein Kampf instead :D

wannabehumorist said...

heres something from an dino who has been married for 21 years

what woomen mean when they say something is interpreted taking the following into account-
- place
-company ( the same thing said in company means different from what is said one to one)
-their feeling about you based on the last interaction. It is generally that you are hopeless, but sometimes one scores, who knows why?
- and then weather, moon phase, sun cycle, temperature, pressure etc etc.
- which means that unless you have a brain like a deep blue or a cray computer ( see, i am a dino) you have no idea what is the correct interpretation of what they are saying.
- So the best way is respond with whatever comes to your mind, and appear dumb, and then finally, fed up with your dumbness , they will tell you what exactly they want. ( believe me , they cannot resist doing that). Additionally, you get brownie points for being a good listener.

Ridhima said...

haha.. What does Gulati want? ;) apart from a nice sci-fi book and the quiet life..