
Calvin and Hobbes!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


It's a part and parcel of life. How you deal with it defines who you are. When viewed in the right way, it can be the most essential thing in life. Disappointment. Something each and every one of us has to go through. Whether it is personal or professional, disappointment cannot be avoided. But how on earth do you deal with it? That overwhelming sense of worthlessness. The feeling that every thing you do is just no good enough. The fact that others have got what you felt you deserved. The tag of “failure” that you inevitably attach to yourself. All your mistakes come right back at you. You feel “if only.........”.

Finally you realise that it wasn't entirely your fault. Things can go wrong. And therein lies the best way to deal with it. Treat each cause for disappointment as something that just “happened”. Never ever doubt yourself. At the end of the day you've got to stick up for yourself. Nobody else is going to do that for you.

Many of you might be wondering why I'm (of all the people) telling you this. Well, I have this theory that my luck follows a yearly cycle. For a good portion of the year, everything goes along nicely. I like what I'm doing and the world seems like a wonderful place. However there is a three-odd month period when things just do not work out. Everything around me seems to be conspiring my downfall. Bad luck seems to be the order of the day.

The funny thing is that I don't grudge these three month lows. I feel they're absolutely necessary. They make me feel very happy during the other nine months (Don't laugh. This is not some rambling by a three year old. At the end of the day, you've got to feel happy. Nothing is worth it if you can't or don't). They also help me maintain a reasonably level head.

So yeah, the next time you're disappointed, look on the bright side. There's always bound to be one. It may not be waving cheerfully at you, but its there all the same.


Sudhir said...

dude disappointment,well i suppose we noe where that came from....
but then that is the past.
ireally wanna noe wen this 3 month period began for u coz i 'spose it was all fine till engineer was goin g on. nywz all the best till the end o this period. i'm pretty sure it must be 'bout to end pretty soon.

as for stayin' happy, well u hit the nail on the head!

keep blogging.... its a gud way to noe wats going on ur side o things durin holidays.

hopin to hear some more gud stuff soon.

- poi

Anonymous said...

Hey gullu keep blogginh man....Even thought you present a hard shell kind of features outside you are quite tender inside....hmmm kinda coconut

Vikram said...

Thanks poi...
Will definitely keep blogging...