
Calvin and Hobbes!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

You Know That You Need A Social Life

I realise that NITK isn't exactly a bohemian hot-spot and that I don't really fit the party-hopping stereotype, (as my sister loves to point out - "you're soooo boring!") but this December was a real social low. Here's a handy list to know when you need a new social life:
  1. The only messages you get on your phone are Google Calendar reminders (pick up such-and-such form, pay so-and-so bill etc.)
  2. You keep your phone switched off for nearly two weeks and don't miss a single call/message/S.O.S./whatever (even the said reminders choose not to arrive!)
  3. The only sound your phone makes is due to the morning alarm.
  4. Your cell-phone balance (of Rs. 30) remains nearly the same for over a month.
  5. You spend a lot of time staring at a nearly empty GTalk list, wondering who is still undisturbed (read not-yet-contemplating-justifiable-homicide) by your boredom.
  6. You start writing about random events (you should read some of the drafts on this blog - even I find them nonsensical)
  7. You find yourself alone on New Year's Eve (even my parents and sister decided to give me the slip :D)
  8. Your childhood friends become extra-busy, so much so that you are cut off mid-sentence with promises of "I'll call you back" which never materialise.
  9. Your favourite songs are those about heartaches, loss, sadness, rainy nights and silence.
  10. You open your mail-box on the hour, every hour, hoping for some signs of your friends.
  11. Your only mails are from News and Techno-geek websites. (apart from regular Calendar reminders :P)
The high point over the past three weeks would have to be a brilliant vacation that I really enjoyed. Apart from that, it was a bit of a depressing end to the decade. Thankfully, things are beginning to look up, now that I'm back in college. Happy New Year!


Unknown said...

I don't get this.

You are to either join the party hopping crowd or pride yourself for not being their kind. This stuck in between self pitying doesn't get anyone anywhere.

Hmm... That might sound very rude if I am terribly mistaken. Oh well, the chips are in. There's no taking them back. :p

Vikram said...

Well, I don't want to be part of the crazy-drunken-revels-party-circuit, but at the same time I could definitely use a bit more active involvement with friends. (esp. away from college) In fact, "in between" is the perfect place to be - no excesses. And this isn't exactly a "self-pity-I'm-so-pathetic" post. Apologies if it sounds like one, because I only intended to make a few statements of fact.

P.S. The chips weren't "in" - you needn't have pressed the big orange button - the one that said "publish your comment" :P

Vikram said...

P.P.S. Check the label of the post - It's just a collection of humourous (in the dry, self-deprecating sense) facts, albeit with a bit of personal intent.

Unknown said...

Hmmm.. I should've dismissed the self deprecating part as the usual self deprecation that is found here. Damn, I lost my hand.

Anyway, hope more people don't follow suit. Hope they were dealt better hands. But wait! There is a contradiction there as there can be only one winner.

Don't bother, I didn't see much sense in this one either. :P

Vikram said...

Hmmmm, OooooK. I understood the first para (and I agree with it), but I have no clue about the second.

Bhargav said...

Gullu sounds more woebegone than usual.

And Pom sounds like a retard with his Poker analogy!

Vikram said...

He he... Well said, on both counts! (btw, was going through some stupid phase - no more whining about things I can't change!)

Manu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
David said...

LoL cell phone balance the same every month that is so true

w said...

Overalls, of course, is the most retro trends of spring and summer of 2008, even in the autumn-winter period, it was originally used to give the pilot and parachutist keeping cold shoulder piece of highfashion favorable, Chanel, Hermes, Yves Saint Laurent, Stella McCartney, Vivienne Westwood ...big catwalk you can think of almost all of them were in his presence.In addition, Oakley Frogskinthe red, the fashion industry, such as PixieGeldof, Helena Christensen, Rihanna fans, and even more unusual is the fact that he often appeared in the chamber of city streets, showing a surprisingly close to the people and to wear.