
Calvin and Hobbes!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009


This post was inspired by an article I read. (It's a relatively short post - that should keep your agony to a bare minimum :P)
One of my friends had written on how she speaks without thinking and hence gets into trouble. I really can sympathise. My nature (ask my friends for further details - you'll probably get angry rants, diplomatic silences or simple dismissals - "Who, him? Sucks!") is something that could be best described as naively honest. I really don't pay attention to what I say or when I say it. As a result, I'm prone to saying the wrong things at the worst possible times. It has gotten me into trouble several times, often for the silliest of reasons. What's the option? Be diplomatic? Sure, that could work. However, the way I see it, a lot of diplomatic people make for a very boring/irritating group. Each member will keep tripping over the other, in order to be politically correct. Fruitful discussions would be impossible, with no one person willing to criticize the other. The way I see it, sometimes, in order to gain something from a discussion, a spade needs to be called, well, a spade. The proverbial elephant in the room needs to be spoken about. You can't simply ignore it, expecting it to slink away unnoticed. (The imagery on this one is hilarious - just visualize it :D)
It's sad how everyone says they appreciate honesty, when all they actually prefer is mild flattery. Disguising your true feelings in what others really want to hear, rather than simply expressing them, does indeed work. I guess that's what diplomacy is all about.


Dr. Flycatcher said...

:Adhering to your stance: Your post sucks

See? I'm blatantly honest.

Just kidding Gullu!

(^^ now that was being diplomatic)

But yeah, it's really annoying to live in a society where mild flattery is received and given so overtly - where's the room for criticism, what with the elephant and all?

Vikram said...


Both points noted :D

ZooFugitive said...

What you need my friend is some tact... Put your criticism across with some tact and all parties shall be happy.

What say?

Vikram said...

Yup. I realised that calling a donkey a donkey most definitely does not help :)