
Calvin and Hobbes!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Guide to NITK Mess Food

Hands up, if you've missed reading articles on this blog. Come on, don't be shy. Raise them. OK. Let me rephrase that: Please raise your hands. Pretty Please? Damn you, philistines :D
After a particularly horrible month of mess food, I've got to say something. Those who share the same fate as I do, (read: NITKians) please feel free to skip this, as it's going to be a pointless rendition of facts you already know.
Right then. Let's get started. In the popular style of guide books, I've divided this post into 2 "tours" each showcasing the very best (rather, worst) NITKS Hostels Inc. has to offer to the gastric juices.
  1. The First Year Tour: This is centred around a phenomenon known simply as M2. Imagine a place that in few short weeks, makes you regret every single time you cursed your mother's cooking. Imagine a place that can cause weight loss of upto 20 kilos in a few short months. Imagine a place where the "dal" is at best inedible. Imagine a place where insects are part of the menu. Imagine a place where the breakfast makes you wish you were dreaming. Imagine no further, for NITK has such a distinguished place.
    M2. The stuff of legend. Where food comes to be transformed into something entirely different. For those scratching their heads, M2 is short for Mysore Mess 2. (The "Mysore" is supposed to signify the type of cuisine on offer. Succulent South Indian. Why yes, pigs can indeed fly!)
  2. The Rest of The Suffering: After the horrors of first year, the authorities decide to let you "choose" your mess. You now have the option of choosing between a "Bombay" mess and a "Mysore" mess. The first type is supposed to serve North Indian food and the other, South Indian. So far, so good. It's only when you start eating that you realise that the food just cannot be defined as having an origin. (definitely not Indian, anyway) You spend the first few months deciding where to go, carefully weighing the merits (close to the room) and the demerits (that food!?!) before realising that it's pointless. Anything and everything tastes the same. You are fed Aloo (potato, for those wondering which exotic vegetable this is), Aloo, something-I-don't-even-want-to-know-what, and more Aloo. Heck, it's cheap! By the end of your second miserable year, you become resigned to the fact that eating out is the only sane option left. After all, there's only so much weight that you can loose, right?
There you have it. A ready-to-use, authentic guide to eating on campus. To convince yourself that things are really that bad, just ask any of my taste-impaired friends. Or come and see (taste) for yourself. Dieting, anyone?