Live and let live. One fantastic philosophy. Too bad we can't seem to follow it.
How many of us can honestly say that we've never interfered in the lives of others (or atleast tried to). Very few. Even among those few, I can safely say that no one has not passed judgements like - "See what he's doing. I'm much better in my moral standards."
That's the problem with India. Everyone seems to be interested with what others are doing rather than doing something themselves. If a couple wants to display their emotion in public, let them. Big f****** deal. They're grown up adults for god's sake. If an artist want to paint a few figures, so what? It's not like he's forcing those paintings onto everyone. (I doubt most people will be able to afford them anyway)
Stop making a hue and cry whenever some beautiful woman flaunts her assets in public. She's doing it because she can. Stop being jealous and learn to live with it. Some people I know actually live for that sort of thing. Where would they go if denied this silent pleasure?
There are only two choices we have :
a) Be an ultra conservative society reminiscent of the 1900s. (nobody really wants that - do they? It's too damn boring. No excitement.)
b) Be an open society where nobody really gives a damn. My school of thought. You want to lay a wet one on someone you love, go right ahead. So what if a thousand people are watching....
Let's hope we don't have a hung house for this one as well.
temple by the sea
15 years ago